Linear boundaries

Linear boundaries are shown in a plan to define the extent of the lots. They include marked lines, walls, occupations and roads.

Note  Linear boundaries must be either straight lines or regular arcs of a circle of fixed radius. Irregular curved boundaries (ellipses, parabolas etc.) will not be accepted. In order to re-establish the boundaries of the lot it is necessary to:

  • refix the road fronting the lot
  • relocate the side and rear boundaries using all available marks, monuments and occupations.

Using the original marks, monuments and occupations the boundaries of the lot should be relocated in the same position as they were shown in the base plan. If a resurvey indicates that some of the information shown in the base plan is incorrect, sufficient evidence supporting the new definition should be included in the new plan. It may be necessary for the surveyor to supply a report setting out the method used in defining the boundaries of the parcel.

For further information on boundary definition - see Hamer, 1967.

Monuments a building, wall or fence shown in a registered plan or described in a deed between the parties may be used as a fixed position when defining boundaries.


Road definition the boundaries of all roads shown in the survey must be re-established.


Railway boundary definition all railway boundaries must be re-established.


Relocation of boundaries abuttals, alignment, excess or shortage in measurement, rear boundaries, occupations and boundaries defined by physical feature are used to relocate boundaries.


Rural boundaries old survey marks including, lockspits, blazed trees, reference marks and rock marks are used to assist the relocation of boundaries in rural areas.


Plans of redefinition may be lodged in NSW LRS as a deposited plan in order to redefine a parcel(s).


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