In this section
Documents available for manual lodgment
Lodging dealings affecting land title references
Out-of-scope transactions
Lodging documents not affecting land title references
Eligibility to lodge electronically
Subscriber Compliance
Links and FAQs
Related announcements
Electronic conveyancing (eConveyancing) is the digital completion of conveyancing transactions including transferring property ownership from seller to buyer.
The Registrar General has declared under the NSW Conveyancing Rules that 100% Real Property Act dealings (excluding Determination of Title Boundary) are mandated to be lodged electronically.
This means, on and from 11 October 2021, NSW LRS will not be able to accept Real Property Act dealings presented at the NSW LRS Lodgment Office or via post. All land dealings to be lodged with NSW LRS can only be done electronically by a subscriber (e.g., a lawyer, licensed conveyancer, or financial institutions) through an Electronic Lodgment Network Operator (ELNO).
Transactions which are out-of-scope for lodgment as structured electronic dealings are still mandated and will be dealt with in a slightly different process, which is explained in the ‘Out-of-scope transactions’ section below.
Documents available for manual lodgment
The following dealings are available for lodgment in paper via our manual lodgment channels. These documents can be lodged by attending the NSW LRS Lodgment Office or via registered post to GPO box 15, Sydney NSW 2001.
- Water Access Licence dealings (manual lodgment only)
- Determination of Title Boundary (manual lodgment only)
- Powers of Attorney
- Old System Deeds
- Resumption of non-RPA Land/Primary Applications
Information on the lodgment requirements for these dealings can be accessed through the Registrar General’s Guidelines.
Since Monday 12 July 2021, the NSW LRS Lodgment Office has been operating on an appointment only basis. Please visit the NSW LRS Covid-19 Updates for more information on our manual lodgment procedures.
Lodging dealings affecting land title references
Customers can find a list below of the documents available for lodgment as structured electronic dealings (without the requirement to attach a paper dealing form) through an ELNO. Please visit the Registrar General’s Guidelines for lodgment requirements specific to each document.
Information on transactions involving dual entitlement/multiple ownership situations can be found here.
Document Name
Type of Structured Electronic Dealing
Application for a Possessory Title
Application for Preparation of Lapsing Notice by a Registered Interest Holder
Application for Preparation of Lapsing Notice by a Registered Proprietor
Application for Preparation of Lapsing Notice by an Applicant
Application for Preparation of Partial Lapsing Notice by a Registered Proprietor
Application for Preparation of Partial Lapsing Notice by a Registered Interest Holder
Application to Record a New Registered Interest Holder (With Stamp Duty)
Application to Record a New Registered Interest Holder (Without Stamp Duty)
Application to Record a New Registered Proprietor (With Stamp Duty)
Application to Record a New Registered Proprietor (Without Stamp Duty)
Application to Record Writ
Bankruptcy Application
Cancel Recording of Writ
Cancellation of Caution
Cancellation of Easement
Change of Address for Service of Notices on Caveator
Change of Address of Association
Change of Address of Owners Corporation
Change of Name
Change of Name of Caveator
Change of Name of Lessee, Mortgagee or Chargee
Conservation Agreement
Consolidation/Change of By-laws
Covenant Charge
Determination of Lease by Re-entry
Discharge of Charge
Discharge of Mortgage
Extension of Priority Notice
Extinguishment of Easement
Extinguishment of Positive Covenant
Extinguishment of Restriction on the Use of Land
Modification of Positive Covenant
Modification of Restriction on the Use of Land
Notice of Death
Notice of Proposed Acquisition
NSW Trustee and Guardian Caveat
Partial Extinguishment of Restriction on the Use of Land
Partial Release of Restriction on the Use of Land
Payment of Balance of Purchase Money
Positive Covenant
Positive Covenant (with Registered Interest Holder Consent)
Positive Covenant Affecting Land Vested in a Prescribed Authority
Priority Notice
Purchaser’s Caveat
Registered Proprietor’s Caveat
Release of Positive Covenant
Release of Restriction on the Use of Land
Removal of Expired Lease
Request to Note Retirement Village
Restriction on the Use of Land
Restriction on the Use of Land (with Registered Interest Holder Consent)
Restriction on the Use of Land by a Prescribed Authority
Restriction on the Use of Land by a Prescribed Authority (with Registered Interest Holder Consent)
Restriction on the Use of Land Vested in a Prescribed Authority
Surrender of Lease
Surrender of Lease by Operation of Law
Transfer Altering Tenancy (Joint Tenants to Tenants in Common in Equal Shares)
Transfer Altering Tenancy (Tenants in Common in Equal Shares to Joint Tenants)
Transfer and Closure of Crown Road
Transfer and Road Closure
Transfer by a Joint Tenant
Transfer by a Local Council
Transfer by Chargee Under Power of Sale
Transfer by Mortgagee Under Power of Sale
Transfer Creating a Forestry Right
Transfer Creating a Profit a Prendre
Transfer for Public Reserve or Drainage Reserve
Transfer Granting Easement
Transfer Granting Easement etc Over Own Land
Transfer Granting Easement in Gross
Transfer Including Covenant
Transfer Including Easement
Transfer of a Profit a Prendre or Forestry Right
Transfer of a Timeshare
Transfer of an Estate-In-Remainder
Transfer of Easement in Gross
Transfer of Interest (for transfer of registered Mortgage or Charge)
Transfer of Lease
Transfer of Minerals or Coal
Transfer Releasing Easement
Transfer Severing Joint Tenancy
Transfer Severing Joint Tenancy in an Interest
Transfer without Monetary Consideration
Transmission Application
Variation of Easement
Variation of Lease
Variation of Mortgage
Variation of Positive Covenant
Variation of Restriction on the Use of Land
Variation of Sublease
Withdrawal of Caveat
Withdrawal of Priority Notice
For the 1% transactions which are out-of-scope for lodgment as structured electronic dealings, please see below for lodgment options.
Out-of-Scope Transactions
About 1% of transactions are currently out-of-scope for lodgment as structured electronic dealings. ELNO subscribers can lodge ‘out-of-scope transactions’ electronically by using an electronic document known as ‘Dealing with Exception’. The subscriber will prepare the out-of-scope dealing in paper and will lodge it electronically as a pdf attachment to the Dealing with Exception document.
Please see the Lodgment Rules Exceptions List for a full list of scenarios and documents available for lodgement as a Dealing with Exception.
For information on how to lodge a Dealing with Exception, please refer to the Registrar General’s Guidelines.
Key information on lodging a Dealing with Exception
- A completed Lodgment Rules Exceptions form must be lodged with each ‘Dealing with Exception’ lodgment case.
- When lodging a Dealing with Exception, the Document Type selected, and the Land Title provided via the ELNO workspace will determine the type of transaction and folios affected by the dealing in the Register. Therefore, it is important for customers to select the correct document type to match the dealing attached and to insert all affected land title references in the ELNO workspace as stated on the attached paper dealing form. NSW LRS include the title reference and document name stated on the cover sheet as part of the examination of the case.
- Where the dealing affects a servient and dominant tenement, all relevant titles must be entered in the workspace. Where the dealing affects a LF title, only enter the LF title in the workspace. Reference should be made to all head titles and LF titles on the attached paper dealing form.
- Once received by NSW LRS, your document will be examined based on the attached paper dealing form, Lodgment Rules Exceptions form and any attached supporting documentation. Please visit the Registrar General’s Guidelines for information on the lodgment requirements of the out-of-scope dealings.
Lodging multiple out-of-scope dealings in one lodgment case
If you are seeking to lodge multiple out-of-scope documents in the same ELNO workspace, then multiple Dealing with Exception document types must be selected in the workspace. The corresponding paper dealing form and associated documents must be uploaded and attached separately against each relevant Dealing with Exception.
For example, if two paper Leases (07L forms) are to be lodged as Dealings with Exception in the same workspace, then the document type (Lease (07L)) must be selected twice in the ELNO workspace and each paper copy must be uploaded against the corresponding document type. If more than one document is included in a single upload, a requisition will be raised by NSW LRS requesting for separate lodgment(s) to be made for the additional document(s) included as an attachment.
Miscellaneous Dealing
This document type is selected where a Real Property Act dealing cannot be lodged as a structured electronic dealing or Dealing with Exception.
Please see the Lodgment Rules Exceptions List to verify if you are eligible for lodgment under this option.
- The land title NO/REF/99999 is entered into the workspace
- Miscellaneous Document is selected
- The completed paper dealing form is attached in PDF. Please note, only one dealing form can be lodged per ELNO workspace.
Lodging documents not affecting land title references
Documents which don’t have a Real Property Act Land Title Reference can be lodged through the ELNO workspace using a prescribed Title Reference, No/REF/99999 and submitted as a document in PDF format.
Only one document can be lodged through the ELNO workspace. If you are seeking to lodge multiple documents, then multiple ELNO workspaces must be created, and the corresponding paper form must be uploaded against each workspace.
Powers of Attorney and Old System Deeds
For a list of documents lodged as part of this document type, please click here.
NSW LRS will not accept Powers of Attorney which have been signed electronically
- The land title NO/REF/99999 is entered into the workspace
- Old System Deed or Power of Attorney is selected as appropriate
- A completed Deeds Index Particulars form together with a completed paper Deed or Power of Attorney and any other required documents e.g. Manual Notice of Sale form is attached to the ELNO workspace
For preparation and delivery information, please see the Information Sheet on Electronic Powers of Attorney and Old System Deeds.
- The land title No/REF/999 is entered into the ELNO workspace
- Memorandum is selected
- A completed paper Memorandum form is attached in PDF
Resumption of Non-RPA/Primary Application
- The land title NO/REF/99999 is entered into the workspace
- Resumption of Non-RPA/Primary Application is selected
- The completed paper forms together with any further evidence and manual Notice of Sale form is attached as pdf to the ELNO workspace.
Eligibility to lodge electronically
To conduct an eConveyancing transaction, customers must use the service of a lawyer or conveyancer who is registered with an Electronic Lodgment Network Operator (ELNO).
The following institutions can help you to find a lawyer or conveyancer in NSW:
How can lawyers and conveyancers use eConveyancing?
Lawyers and conveyancers must register with an Electronic Lodgement Network Operator (ELNO) to conduct eConveyancing transactions. A list of authorised ELNOs in NSW can be accessed here.
A list of authorised ELNOs in NSW can be accessed here.
Subscriber Compliance
Section 33 of the Electronic Conveyancing National Law provides the Registrar in each Jurisdiction with the power to undertake a Compliance Examination for the purpose of ascertaining whether the Model Participation Rules have been complied with or investigating any suspected or alleged case of misconduct by a Subscriber (including a former Subscriber). Under section 34 of the Electronic Conveyancing National Law, a Subscriber is obliged to cooperate fully in a Compliance Examination and comply with any reasonable requirement by the Person conducting the Compliance Examination.
The Registrar General of NSW has delegated NSW LRS with the authority to conduct Compliance Examinations for Subscribers transacting in NSW.
How NSW LRS undertake Compliance Examinations
When a Subscriber is selected to participate in a Compliance Examination, they will receive a notice from NSW LRS including a Subscriber Compliance Examination Checklist. The notice will:
- Identify the Registry Instruments for which the Compliance Examination will be conducted.
- Request that the Subscriber provide Documents and/or information that demonstrate the Subscriber’s compliance with the Participation Rules.
- State a time, no less than 10 Business Days after the giving of the notice, within which the Documents and/or information must be provided to the Registrar.
- Outline how the Documents and/or information must be provided to the Registrar.
Please refer to the Subscriber Compliance Portal Guide for more information on how to upload the required documents.
Subscribers should be aware that failing, without reasonable excuse, to comply with the notice is a Suspension Event that may result in the commencement of the Suspension and Termination Procedure in Schedule 7 of the Model Participation Rules.
Why Compliance Examination is necessary
A key objective of the Subscriber Compliance Program is to ensure the program assists Subscribers in meeting their obligations and responsibilities under the Model Participation Rules and to build trust and confidence in the Electronic Lodgment Network.
More information about the eConveyancing Subscriber Compliance regime can be found through the Office of the Registrar General‘s website.