Surveyor's reports

Clause 69 Surveying and Spatial Information Regulation 2017 states:

'A surveyor must disclose any doubt, discrepancy, difficulty or difference suggested by or encountered in a survey on the plan of survey or in an accompanying comprehensive report.'

To assist in plan examination and eliminate delays from unnecessary requisitions, surveyors should send survey reports directly to NSW LRS. All reports are kept on file in Titling and Plan Services, NSW LRS and connected to the plan following lodgment.

Surveyors should:

  • send the report, clearly showing the surveyors plan reference number, to:

Manager, Titling and Plan Services
NSW Land Registry Services
Level 30, 175 Liverpool Street
Sydney NSW 2000

  • add the notation 'Report' adjacent to the surveyors reference on the original plan to ensure the report is connected to the case following lodgment.
  • advise the client and/or the lodging agent of the existence of the report. Reference to the report should also be shown on the plan lodgment form.

Service Status Update

Until December 2018, there will be planned outages for some NSW LRS systems while we undertake essential works. Where possible these works have been scheduled over weekends to minimise disruption to our customers.

Upcoming Outages:
Will be advised once confirmed.

To check on the status of our online services or to subscribe to our outage notifications, please visit our Service Status page.