Our DIBE Strategy represents our promise to building an inclusive and equitable workplace, where we feel we belong, and where our diversity and the diversity of our customers is truly valued.
Our People
Here at NSW LRS, we take pride in our extensive and long-standing heritage as the state’s land registry, and we are a group of people who are knowledgeable, capable, and committed to serving the citizens and businesses of NSW.
We’re also a welcoming bunch and are proud of the wonderful diversity of our people. We want to create a workplace that is inclusive and equitable, where all our employees have a sense of belonging and connection and where the diversity of our employees and customers is reflected and valued.
We know that our people are rich in varying cultures, identities and languages and so are our customers. So, it’s only right that we celebrate these differences and continue to foster such a great place to work and better support our customers and communities.
How we are ‘Diving into DIBE’
Our commitments are a recognition that DIBE is not just a ‘nice to have’, it’s a ‘must have’ and it is everyone’s responsibility to dive into these issues and truly contribute to making our organisation such a welcoming and great place to work.
Our DIBE Strategy is centred around three focus areas, which seek to help us take meaningful and long-lasting action. Read on for more information about each of NSW LRS’ focus areas and objectives.
Customer Diversity and Accessibility
We have come a very long way on our journey toward being a customer-centric organisation.
Our transformation is making our services and information more accessible than ever before, and it is becoming easier to do business with us. However, we are not done and there is much more we can do.
This focus area is a commitment to creating a workplace where our people and our customers have an equitable experience - where access to our information and services is seamless, favourable and respects individual diversity.
Our goals and objectives include:
- Consider ethnicity and language into the design of our services and how we provide information
- Provide services and information that considers the vast geographical spread of our customers
- Provide services and information that considers affordability to those adversely affected by climate change or severe weather events
- Celebrate relevant days of significance in respect to cultural diversity and accessibility
Talent Scarcity and Ageing Workforce
We take immense pride in our long-standing history and heritage as the state’s land registry.
This history and the complexities of our work have shaped a workforce of highly skilled and knowledgeable people.
This focus area is a commitment to creating a diverse and inclusive workplace that attracts the talent we need to continue our success. We must address workforce imbalances and recognise the wealth of industry knowledge held by our long-standing employees.
Our goals and objectives include:
- Ensure our organisation has an inclusive recruitment and onboarding process
- Capture our technical expertise and deep knowledge, ensuring it is available and can be passed on
- Embed our flexibility guidelines, ensuring our people understand the flexible working options available to them
- Build the capability of our leaders – so that we understand bias and how to support diverse candidates
- Increase representation of women in our leadership positions, striving for equal representation and pay equity
Reconciliation and Disadvantage
We have always understood the huge importance that land and property ownership has to the individuals and businesses we service across the state.
However, we acknowledge that all people do not have equal access to land and housing and that the lands on which we do business are those with huge cultural significance to many Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander nations.
This focus area is a commitment to building awareness, understanding and leadership of the issues of privilege, inequity and reconciliation. It is an acknowledgement that access to land, water and housing is linked to issues of poverty, disadvantage, and dispossession for specific people.
Our goals and objectives include:
- Grow our partnership with Homes for Homes and provide a range of volunteering opportunities for our people
- Commit to reconciliation and show respect and support to Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander communities – acknowledging their culture, traditions, and strong connection to land
- Foster connections with local community groups to promote the issues of disadvantage, homelessness, and reconciliation
Read NSW LRS’ Diversity & Inclusion policy here