Plan types

Acquisition or resumption

Defines either land or an easement to be acquired by a prescribed authority. The plan:

  • may be of survey or compilation
  • may be any combination of Torrens, Old System or Crown title 
  • must be lodged by or on behalf of a statutory authority
  • does not need to be signed by a certifier.
  • must not be accompanied by an instrument pursuant to s.88B Conveyancing Act 1919.

Coal definition

These plans are lodged specifically to aid in the creation of a Torrens title for coal ownership, Coal Ownership (Restitution) Act 1990, and attract a lodgment fee equivalent to a dealing lodgment fee. The plan:

  • must be compiled
  • must be signed by the Chairman of the NSW Coal Compensation Board
  • should agree with the existing Torrens title subdivision pattern. If it does not agree the full plan lodgment fee will be charged
  • must bear a statement 'Lot.... is limited to coal'
  • should not bear a subdivision certificate.

Community Schemes

This plan type was introduced to fill the gap between conventional and strata subdivision. It allows communal property to be incorporated into a land subdivision.

Also see the Registrar Generals Guidelines for Community Schemes.


Combines two or more parcels of land into one parcel. The plan:

  • may include Torrens or Old System
  • must affect two or more contiguous parcels (unless evidence of council's acceptance to the consolidation of non-contiguous parcels is supplied)
  • must show bearings and distances for all boundaries
  • may be of survey or compilation
  • does not need to be signed by a certifier unless otherwise directed by the local council
  • if surveyed, must bear a signed certificate by the surveyor.

Crown Road Enclosure

Plans prepared by Crown lands to enable title creation for Crown boundary and reserve roads. These roads maybe subject to an existing enclosure permit. The plan:

  • must be derived from the Cadastral Records Viewer
  • need not show dimensions (except the area(s) of any new lot(s))
  • must bear the consent of Crown Lands in the panel on the Administration Sheet
  • must be accompanied by a completed CL45-36 form (PDF 49.4 KB) directing the Registrar General to create a new Torrens Title
  • may be accompanied by a Section 88B Instrument to create any necessary easements, restrictions on the the use of land etc.

Crown 'Torrens Title' issue 

Crown 'Torrens Title' issue plans define the boundaries of Crown land parcels intended to be sold or leased. The plan:

  • may be of survey or compilation.
  • if surveyed, must bear a signed certificate by the surveyor
  • must bear the consent of Crown Lands in the panel on the Administration Sheet
  • must be accompanied by a completed CL45-11 (PDF 407.2 KB) directing the Registrar General to create a new Torrens Title.


A new plan subdividing or otherwise dealing with a parcel subject to a limitation notification must be one of survey. The plan must:

  • re-establish the original deed boundaries, and
  • compare these boundaries with existing occupations.


Plans prepared by NSW Land Registry Services, to give a parcel of land a unique identity. They are compiled plans and may be Torrens or Old System.


Defines the site of an easement in relation to parcel boundaries. The easement may either be proposed (intended to created by a dealing prepared subsequent to the registration of the plan) or be accompanied by a Section 88B Instrument (PDF 28 KB) (creating the easement on registration). The plan:

  • may include Torrens, Old System or Crown title
  • may be of survey or compilation
  • does not need to be signed by an accredited certifier
  • if surveyed, must bear a signed certificate by the surveyor.

Examination survey

Surveys undertaken by Office of the Registrar General surveyors to resolve anomalies in boundary definition. If appropriate, plans may be placed on public record. These plans are not used for title description or title issue.


Shows land intended to be leased. The plan:

  • must be a survey if the term of the lease including any option, is greater than five years
  • can be compiled and annexed to the lease document if the term of the lease, including any option, is five years or less.


The above dot points do not apply to lease of premises

The Conveyancing Act 1919 makes special provision for lease of caravan park and mobile home estate leases (Section 23H) and for forestry leases (Section 23J). For more information see General purpose leases pages.


Plans for the purpose of creating an easement for pipeline are prepared in accordance with the Pipelines Act, 1967 (see s.20Pipelines Act 1967).  They define land and easements required for the construction and operation of the pipeline. The plan:

  • must be lodged by or on behalf of the Minister for Resources and Energy
  • may initially be compiled for the purpose of obtaining a license for construction but must be replaced by a plan of survey
  • may create easements and restrictions by s.88A Conveyancing Act, 1919 (see s.61 Pipelines Act 1967), and
  • if it effects a subdivision, must bear a certificate signed by a certifier.

Primary Application

A plan accompanying an application must be a plan of survey no more than 12 years old. It may be a compilation based on a survey no more than 12 years old. See also Conversion of Old System land.


Defines parcel boundaries as they exist today.The plan:

  • may include Torrens, Old System or Crown title
  • must be a survey
  • must bear a signed certificate by the surveyor
  • does not need to be signed by a certifier.


Define new roads intended to be created or existing roads intended to be closed (or both). The plan:

  • may be of survey or compilation
  • if surveyed, must bear a signed certificate by the surveyor
  • if includes proposed road closure lots, must bear Crown lands consent and be accompanied by a completed CL45-36 form (PDF 402.7 KB).

Strata schemes

Plans which allow multiple occupancy and ownership within one parcel of land for the purpose of issuing individual titles in home unit and town house developments.

Also see the Registrar Generals Guidelines for Strata Schemes


A plan of subdivision divides a parcel of land into parts for separate use - also see Signatures required on plans. The plan:

  • may be of survey or compilation 
  • may include Torrens, Old System or Crown title
  • must have a subdivision certificate - see section 6.15 Environmental Planning and Assessment Act, 1979
  • if surveyed, must bear a signed certificate by the surveyor.


Defines boundaries of a parcel of land to be surrendered to the Crown. The plan:

  • may include Torrens or Old System land
  • may be of survey or compilation
  • if surveyed, must bear a signed certificate by the surveyor
  • does not need to be signed by a certifier
  • must bear the consent of Crown lands in the panel on the Administration sheet.

Survey information only

This plan category was introduced to allow surveyors to place survey information on public record. These plans are not 'current plans' within the meaning of s.7A Conveyancing Act 1919 and cannot be used for title description or title issue. The information shown may provide valuable evidence for the relocation of boundaries in future plans.

The plan must 

  • be of survey - purpose 'Survey Information Only' 
  • be prepared on a prescribed deposited plan form.
  • have the following note endorsed on every sheet of the plan


The plan must not 

  • redefine land parcels or land boundaries, show proposed subdivision boundaries or new lot numbers and areas
  • bear evidence of certifiers certificate 
  • bear a statement of intention to dedicate roads or to create reserves, easements, restrictions on the use of land or intentions as to any other matter, or 
  • be accompanied by an instrument pursuant to s.88B Conveyancing Act 1919.

Lodgment requirements

  • the prescribed lodgment fee, the equivalent of a dealing fee, must be paid 
  • the plan must not be signed by any person other than the surveyor 
  • Certificates of Title must not be produced.

Survey information only plans may also be prepared as a precursor to a compiled plan defining the boundaries of a lease for telecommunication site.


For more information for Plans and Titling contact


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