Detail plan

A detail plan may contain several sheets and each is prepared on Plan form 2 A2 (DP) (PDF 186 KB) in accordance with clause 7 Community Land Development Regulation 2018 and Schedule 5 or 7 of the Lodgment Rules. The plan must meet the same requirements as any deposited plan and address the following details:

  • Each sheet of the detail plan must be clearly labelled 'DETAIL PLAN' in the plan drawing area. The previous regulation for community schemes required the surveyor to indicate the number of sheets the detail plan contained if it was more than one. Although no longer required the surveyor may use his discretion to show on the plan drawing area 'DETAIL PLAN IN X SHEETS' where 'X' is the number of sheets the detail plan contains.
  • It must provide a full survey definition of all lots in the plan including the association property lot.
  • The association property lot must be numbered lot 1 and all of the other lots in the plan numbered consecutively beginning with lot 2.
  •  Each sheet of the detail plan must contain the complete dimensions, including the area, of each lot or part lot depicted on it i.e. A lot should not have some dimensions on one sheet and the rest on another. In some circumstances it may not be possible to meet this criteria and exemption may be granted.
  • The site and details of all new and existing easements which affect the subject land must be shown.
  • The detail plan must show the position of all reference marks which relate to any accessway which is to be created in the management statement. Reference marks must be placed in accordance with clause 31 Surveying and Spatial Information Regulation 2017 for the accessway as if it is a road.
  • It is not permitted to show the sites of statutory easements created in accordance with section 36 Community Land Development Act 1989.

Note To ensure clarity all lettering on the plan forms should have a minimum height of 2.5 mm.

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